Friday, September 25, 2015

"Winter Days in Shades of Taupe" in a magazine!

Just picked up the latest issue of
Quilter's Newsletter…

and opened it up to find
"Winter Days in Shades of Taupe"
 on page 9!!

The article featured the top winners from
held last May in Utah

"Winter Days" won first place for Embroidery!

Holy Moly!


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Silver City Quilt Show … Best of Show

is having it's 5th biennial quilt show this weekend
and my
"Winter Days in Shade of Taupe"

our judge was Pat Harrison
she is a NQA Certified Master Quilt Judge.

It was quite an honor to win Best of Show this year
as there war so many fabulous quilts in the judging room.

My red quilt "Funky Garden on Red"
won BOS in 2013!!!
Two shows in a row! Pinch Me!!

"A Day at the Beach"
 Won second place in the Judged "Other" division

"Sashiko Table Topper"
Won First Place in the Judged "Other" Division
"Exemplary Hand Quilting" in the Judged Division

My son Matt paid me a visit at the show
and My daughter Victoria sent me a Congratulations
text from Corpus Christi (miss her so much!)
Hubby - he went fishing!!
But gave me a hug and kiss when he got him!!

All in all it was a GREAT day!!!!