Monday, March 21, 2016

Paducah vs. MQX and a quilt retreat

torn between two quilt shows…
MQX vs Paducah
such a dilemma 

This quilt 
"Snow Days in Shades of Taupe"
(due to a paperwork snafu on my part)

was accepted into Both shows!
Unfortunately she can not be at both.
So after talking with the gals at MQX (they were very gracious),
"Winter Days" will be going to Paducah!!!
I am thrilled beyond belief!

Attended a fabulous retreat on the Cape two weeks ago!
Stayed at the Sea Crest Hotel (Fabulous!!)
this was the view at breakfast every morning!

My beach walk Day one

Sunset from the dinner table

Beach walk day two
I'm in Heaven!!

Light in the hallway
There is a modern quilt there for sure!

Yes … soon quilting was done!
Finished this top
I'm calling her "Aquarius"
because it reminds my of the 60's and
I just can't get that song out of my head!

it comes from a panel by Alyson Glass
plus a fat quarter stack

and 5 owls were made for my
Fancy Forrest quilt
pattern my Elizabeth Hartman
another happy quilt!

and when I came home this
beautiful bouquet was waiting for me!
Hubby did good!

Having Quilting ADHD can be a hazard!
Starting another appliqué project wasn't on the agenda…
by just could not resist this cutie!
The elephant stencil is from Laundry Basket and 
the fabric is the layer cake  "Mon Ami" from Moda.

here is block one done!

the other appliqué projects in the works are 
Ladies of the Sea by Sue Garmen
Flower Garden by Kim McLean

make me happy to have a project for every mood!!

Should get a lot done today as it's snowing out!
That's New England weather for ya!

Happy Quilting!