Spent some time cleaning out my stash!
Filled two grocery bags full of fabric and quilt tops
to donate to the Comfort Quilt Programs at
Silver City Quilt Guild and
Rhododendron Needlers Quilt Guild
need to support both my guilds!!
These quilt tops have been sitting for years…
that tells me I'm never going to finish them
and it's time to let them go…
that way someone could enjoy them!
Really like the way SCQG and RNQG
are handling their Comfort Quilt Program…
A member makes a top, another member quilts the quilt
and then another member binds the quilt!
It is a great group effort!
In between sending six quilts to
Mad About Quilts to be basted (Hate that job!)
I've started an English Paper Piecing project!
Not that I need another project…
but what can I say this one spoke to me!!
Sue Daley's "Quatro Colours"
The pieces are just the right size for me!
Have to admit I have the whole
Millefiori, New Hexagon and La Passacaglia collections
but for some reason found them intimidating daunting!
But this CUTIE seemed very doable!
Two of my quilt friends
Linda and Ronni
gave me a way too cute box for quilty stuff
it works perfect for my Quatro Color pieces!
One side fits all the tools and my needle book!
the other side is great for the papers and pieces!
My first paper pieced flower!!
(fabric from Bonnie and Camille)
So CUTE!!!
Have a great Quilty Day and enjoy the process