Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dolphins in the Cape Cod Canal

While I was sitting by the canal yesterday doing a little appliqué 
and watching my husband fish (he actually caught something!) - 
we saw an unbelievable sight. 
A small pod of dolphins swimming and coming up out of the water! 
There had to have been at least 20 dolphins swimming around a huge beautiful sail boat - 
I could not believe it. 
Sorry no picture - I was so taken with watching them I forgot to take a picture!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Another top quilted!

About three years ago I had this Christmas quilt top basted!
I had grand ideas of designing a beautiful holly quilting motif
and quilting it all up on my Bernina 440.

Yeah .... so that never happened!

So off I went with my Christmas quilt
to my favorite longarm rental shop - Mad About Quilts.

I selected a holly and berry pantograph,
and a beautiful golden thread -
Mary Ann and Dora got my quilt all settled onto the machine

and in three hours the top was DONE!

This was the first time I've ever quilted on the longarm using
a pantograph - usually I just meander around!
And - OK.... the holly points are a bit rounded in places,
and my round berries look more oval - like the birds ate them!
But I am just so excited!
Another UFO almost done!
Just need to bind and label it!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Quilt Label for the T-shirt quilt

The T-Shirt Quilt Label is DONE -  and I'm loving it!

It started with these pieces

I wanted to make a book that would fit into a pocket.
Let me explain ....

All through high school my daughter was a jeans, t-shirt and flip flop girl
who loved school, sports, band and  LOVED to read!
She was probably the only kid that actually loved to read
the summer reading books!
Even in college she's still reading for fun!

So I took the back pocket off of an old pair of her jeans
and created a book as the quilt label
to slip into the pocket!

Initially I  used some June Taylor Computer printer fabric
but few my water accidentally dripped onto it...
the ink bleed everywhere.

Next I tried TransferMagic Inkjet Transfer paper
(and I remembered to flip the images before printing!)
It ironed on beautifully but leaves a shiny film
that Can NOT be ironed again!
So I worked carefully
and made the book pages using the transfer method
which will be washable!

 I created a book jacket from book fabric
and sewed in the pages

and Viola
a Book Quilt Label!

Here she is from Pre-School to High School

Middle pages
Left side are two quotes from Eleanor Roosevelt
(she dressed up as E.R. in second grade
for a school project)
The right side is my personal message to my girl!
My hubby wanted to know why I didn't include him -
I told him ....  He didn't make the quilt!

For the last page
I used a t-shirt that represents our Mom and Daughter
trip to Nantucket last year
(since it's a whale of a story)

I love it ...

I couldn't wait to show my daughter...
she got a little misty eyed!
I think she liked it! :)

I just love making special and interesting Quilt Labels!
Don't You?

Happy Quilting ~J:)

Friday, July 13, 2012

UFO #1 ... the T-Shirt Quilt

This is my most important UFO .... my daughter's T-shirt quilt.

It's filled with t-shirts from all of her activities since she was old enough to
run, skate jump or swim (she never walked!at least I don't remember her walking -
 I just remember chasing her all over the place!)

Each t-shirt was backed with woven interfacing and cut to size and surrounded
by fabrics that represent my daughter.
I've always called her my Athletic, Academic Band Geek -
just because she has always done so much and spread herself
out into so many areas and this quilt represents all of it!
It should be two quilts but she wanted it all in one so it's a two sided quilt ....
a no-no for t-shirt quilt - just too dang heavy ...
but she didn't care ....
so off to the longarmer's I went.

There is a fabulous place near me called M.A.Q. = Mad About Quilts
where you rent space on a longarm (after taking one of their lessons)
it's just the BEST!
You can learn the longarm skill (oh Have I got a lot to learn!)
and Mary Ann and Dora are right their to help you! I love it!

SO off I went last week to start quilting "THE" T-Shirt Quilt ....

I decided just to do a big meandering stitch -
no sense adding more weight onto this puppy!
And in Three HOURS I had it completely quilted!
Thank You Dora!!

I quilted in secret messages on some of the t-shirts
"Italy" on the t-shirt she purchased on her school trip to Italy her junior year
"Shark" on the Monetary Aquarium shirt
"Just have Fun" on one of her softball shirts
"Cookies" on the girl scout fabric
"Camping" on the camper fabric
You get the idea!

I even stitched in
"Athletics ... Academic.... Band Geek"
Oh I hope I spelt it correctly!
If not - oh well she knows I'm a terrible speller
and the longarm just doesn't have spell check -
I'm sure she'll understand!

In the bottom corner I stitched...
"Love Mum"

I've just finished putting the binding and now
I'm working on the quilt label.
Can't wait to show you that ...
it way way COOL!
But that's another post for another day!

Happy Quilting today ~J:)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

RNQG Summer Challenge

One of the guilds that I belong to RNQG 
(Rhododendron Needlers Quilt Guild)
gave out a summer challenge that was perfect and Just In Time!!
The challenge is to finish any UFO you have and
bring it to the September meeting.
So I decided to clean out and reorganize my sewing room ....
(I'll post pics of the new redo later)

  I pulled out every UFO that was in my sewing room and stacked it up.

SO this is what 17 UFO's look like!!!

Oh and here are 4 more!!

Oh found another one - This one is on my design wall
which is the kind that rolls up - so I'm
always for getting it's there!!!

 And let's not forget the appliqué borders
that need to go on this baby
but no way will this be done in time
for the summer challenge ....
well maybe for Summer 2013!

So that's 23 ... Yes! TWENTY THREE
UFO's that I have in my sewing room!
OMG - when did this get so out of control!!

I took Action and 
stacked them up into a huge plastic bin and
positioned the bin right beside my sewing chair!


start any new projects
 until this bin is EMPTY!!

Wish me luck!!

My fingers are itching with 3 new projects already!!
But NO not until
is GONE!!!

Block #6 of Winter Taupe Quilt

I spent the month of June working on block #6

This block whipped up much faster than #5!
I'm using two different stitches -
for the snow covered trees and roof tops
I'm using the Stem Stitch to give a fuller snowy look!
For everything else I'm using the back stitch
which just gives a nice crisp outlined look.
I wasn't sure what to do for the snowmen - but
decided to go with the back stitch.
And I think I like it!

Have a Great Quilty Day!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Block #5 of my Winter Taupe Quilt

I truly have been working!
I just haven't been blogging - so here is a catch up entry!
Here is Block #5 of my Winter Taupe Quilt
This one seemed to take forever to do!
It took all of April and May to stitch and ...
I'm happy with the results!
I am so loving the COSMO floss.
Stitches like a charm and the color change is
just perfect for the effect that I'm looking for.

Away too long ... but still quilting!

I've been an absent blogger ... well I've been reading everyone's blogs and working on my projects ... I've just been very bad at posting! Now that I'm on vacation from school I'm hoping to change that! SO over the next few days I will be catching up on all of my postings!